Principal Component Analysis (PCA) refers to the problem of fitting a linear subspace S in RD of unknown dimension d < D to N sample points {xj}, j=1,...,N drawn from S. This problem shows up in a variety of applications in many fields, e.g., pattern recognition, data compression, regression, image processing, etc., and can be solved in a remarkably simple way from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the (mean-subtracted) data matrix [x1, x2, ..., xN] in RD x N.
Generalized Principal Component Analysis is an extension of PCA where
the data X={xj}, j=1,...,N, is assumed to be drawn from
a collection of n >= 1 different linear subspaces Si in
RD, i=1,...,n of dimension di = dim(Si), 0 < di < D. An example for n=2 and D=2 is shown in the figure below.
Most existing subspace clustering algorithms of the iterative algorithms try to find a solution by iterating between two steps: given an estimated clustering of the points, find best subspace for each group; given the subspaces, cluster the data accordingly. Unfortunately, this iterative procedure often converges to a local minimum, so the initialization is critical in order to find a good solution.
GPCA is an algebraic technique that avoids this problem and bypasses the iteration steps by fitting a single model (a polynomial) which represents the union of all subspaces (i.e., the model will be satisfied by a point belonging to anyone of the subspaces). This global model is then factorized into the single models to obtain a basis for each one of the subspaces.
GPCA is an algebraic subspace clustering technique based on polynomial fitting and differentiation. The key idea is to represent the number of subspaces as the degree of a polynomial and encode the subspace bases as factors of these polynomials.
For the sake of simplicity, assume that the data was distributed on a
collection of two hyperplanes, each of one can be represented by the
equation xTbi=0. By multiplying the two equations for the two
subspaces, we obtain
As with any polynomial, p(x) may be expanded linearly in terms of some coefficients with respect to a basis of polynomials. Therefore, given enough data points from the subspaces, the coefficients of p(x) can be linearly estimated from the data by using a non-linear embedding (the Veronese map). Building upon our previous example, assume that x lives in R3, say x=[x,y,z]T. Then, p(x) can be expanded as
Now, the set of points x such that p(x)=0 can be thought of as a surface (in our previous example, p(x) is the equation of a conic in the projective plane P2). Moreover, the gradient of p(x), ∇p(x) must be orthogonal to this surface. Since the surface is a union of subspaces, the gradient at a point must be orthogonal to the subspace passing through that point. As a result, we may compute the normal vectors at a point as the gradient of p(x) at that point, as illustrated in the figure below.
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Since all points in the same cluster should have the same (or similar) normal vectors, we can cluster the data by clustering these normal vectors. In fact, the angles between these normal vectors provide use with a similarity measure that can be used together with spectral clustering.
In the case of hyperplanes, a single polynomial is enough, but in the case of subspaces of different dimensions, it is necessary to fit more polynomials. The gradient of each one of these polynomials at a point x will give possibly a different normal vector. All these normal vectors will form a basis for the complement of the subspace passing through x. The principal angles between these orthogonal subspaces may now be used to define a similarity measure, and clustering proceeds as before. More details can be found in the references.
GPCA is an algebraic technique which provide the exact algebraic solution in closed form when the data is perfect. With a moderate amount of noise, GPCA will still operate correctly, as the polynomials can be estimated using least squares. However, in the presence of large amounts of noise and outliers, the coefficients may be estimated incorrectly. For this reason, some variations of the main algorithm have been developed. Some of these employ spectral clustering, voting schemes, multivariate-trimming and influence functions to deal with non-perfect data. Please refer to the page from UIUC for more details and code samples on this topic.
An implementation of GPCA in Matlab (with applications to motion segmentation) is also available from our group. See the Code page.