- A Stochastic Dynamical System for Optical Flow Estimation (pdf)
Volker Willert, Julian Eggert
- Kernel Spectral Curvature Clustering (KSCC) (pdf)
Guangliang Chen, Stefan Atev, Gilad Lerman
Important Dates
Submission deadline: June 19, 2009 June 24,
Notification of acceptance: July 31st, 2009
Camera ready due: August 13, 2009
Workshop date: September 28, 2009
For Workshop website issues please contact rizwanch at cis dot jhu
dot edu
Call for Papers
The classical multiple-view
geometry studies the case with multiple sparse images of a static scene.
However, in many real-world applications, the scene may undergo complex
dynamical changes (e.g., linked-rigid body or non-rigid motions) or one
needs to interact with the scene through a dynamical system (e.g., vision
guided robot navigation/coordination).
confluence of computer vision and dynamical systems has initiated many
interesting interdisciplinary research topics across computer vision,
computer graphics, vision-based control, and unmanned vehicles.
The goal
of this workshop is to converge different aspects of the research on
dynamical vision and to identify common mathematical problems and methods
for future research in this area by bringing together researchers from both
the computer vision and automatic control communities. The workshop
welcomes papers that fall into the following categories:
- Segmentation, Estimation & Tracking of Multiple
Rigid Motions.
- Segmentation, Estimation & Tracking of Multiple
Non-rigid Motions.
- Tracking & Estimation of Linked Rigid body
- Modeling, Identification, and Synthesis of
Dynamical Scenes from Videos.
- Structure and Range Estimation Based on Dynamical
Models and Filtering Techniques.
- Reconstruction and Parameter Estimation of
Dynamical Models for Vision Applications (e.g. Surveillance, Graphics,
and Robotics).
Invited Speakers
- Richard Hartley, Australian National University
- Stefano Soatto, University of California, Los Angeles
- Octavia Camps, Northeastern University
- Nuno Vasconcelos, University of California, San Diego
Paper Submission
Click here to access the submission site
Please make sure you have read the section below before you submit a paper
Paper format and length: All submissions to WDV 2009 must be electronic and in
Adobe Acrobat PDF format. A complete paper should be submitted in camera-ready
format. The length should match that intended for final publication. Papers
accepted for the workshop will be allocated up to 8 pages in the proceedings. Authors should use the IEEE
format, which can be obtained here.
Paper publication: Selected papers will be published after the
workshop in the Conference DVD and IEEE Xplore. The proceedings of WDV
2005, WDV 2006 can be found here.
Double blind review: Reviews will be double blind (authors do not
know the names of the reviewers of their papers, and reviewers do not know
the names of the authors). In addition to removing author information from
the paper header and any identity clue from the main text, every reference
to work by the authors must be made anonymous in the following ways
1. Work by the same authors that appears on mainstream and readily
available publications is cited in the third person, provided that nothing
in the referencing can be traced to the identity of the authors. For
instance, "In [3], Geman and Geman have proposed ..." is acceptable,
whereas "In [3], we have proposed ..." is not.
2. Also remember to avoid information that may identify the authors in the
acknowledgments (e.g. co-workers and grant IDs) and in the supplemental
material (e.g. titles in the movies, or attached papers.)
Dual submission: By submitting a manuscript to WDV 2009, the authors
assert that it has not been previously published in substantially similar
form. ICCV 2009 allows double submissions to ICCV workshops and the main
conference. Authors of a dual submission should notify the workshop
organizers by e-mail before submitting. In case of double acceptance,
the author(s) will have to decide where the paper should appear (main
conference or workshop).
Supplemental Material: Authors may optionally upload supplemental
material. Typically, this material might include videos of results that
cannot be included in the main paper, anonymized related submissions to
other conferences and journals, and appendices or technical reports
containing extended proofs and mathematical derivations that are not
essential for understanding of the paper. Note that the contents of the
supplemental material should be referred to appropriately in the paper and
that reviewers are not obliged to look at it. All supplemental material
must be zipped or tarred into a single file and uploaded on the submission
website. There is a maximum limit of 30 MB for the supplemental materials. The
deadline for supplemental material is June 26th, 11:59pm, EST. Supplemental
material must be in one zip file named as A< paper_number >
Prof. Anders Heyden
Department of Mathematics,
Lund University and Malmo University,
Prof. Yi Ma
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign,
Prof. René Vidal
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University,
Prof. Ying Wu
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Northwestern University,
Program Committee
Yannis Aloimonos
Adrien Bartoli
Octavia Camps
Xinkai Chen
Noah Cowan
Daniel Cremers
Warren Dixon
Gianfranco Doretto
Ahmed Elgammal
Paolo Favaro
Greg Hager
Richard Hartley
Kun Huang
Rolf Johansson
Fredrik Kahl
Kenichi Kanatani
Banjamin Kimia
Shmuel Peleg
Nemanja Petrovic
Stefano Soatto
Jian Sun
Nuno Vasconcelos
Lior Wolf
University of Maryland
Northeastern University
Shibaura Institute of
Technology, Japan
Johns Hopkins University
University of Bonn, Germany
Clemson University
General Electric Global
Rutgers University
Heriot Watt University
Johns Hopkins University
Australia National University
Ohio State University
Lund University, Sweden
Lund University, Sweden
Okayama University, Japan
Brown University
Hebrew University, Israel
University California Los
Microsoft Research, Asia
University of California San
Massachusetts Institute of