I. Introduction to Control Systems
- Closed-Loop Control versus Open-Loop Control
- Models of Control Systems: Transfer Function, State Space, ODEs
- Examples of Control Systems: Mechanical, Electrical, Physiological
- Linearization of Nonlinear Mathematical Models
II. Modeling using the Laplace Transform
- Laplace Transformation, Laplace Transform Theorems
- Inverse Laplace Transformation, Partial Fraction Expansion
- Solving Linear, Time-Invariant, Differential Equations
III. Modeling using State Space Models
- State Space Representation of Dynamic Systems
- Solving the Time-Invariant State Equation
- Exponential Map and Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
- Transformation of Mathematical Models
IV. Basic Properties of Open Loop Control Systems
- Transfer Function: poles, zeros
- Impulse Response ans Step Response: First Order, Second Order, and Higher Order Systems, Overshoot
- Stability: Asymptotic Stability and Input-Output Stability, Routh's Stability Criterion
- Controllability, Observability
V. Basic Properties of Closed Loop Control Systems
- Steady State Errors in Unity Feedback Control Systems
- Effects of Proportional Control Action on System Performance
- Effects of Integral and Derivative Control Actions on System Performance
VI. Design of PID Controllers
- Proportional Control
- Integral Control
- Differential Control
- Tuning Rules for PID Controllers: Critical Gain Approach, Ziegler and Nichols Approach
VII. Design of Control Systems in State Space
- Pole Placement: Ackerman's Formula
- State Observers
- Design of Regulator Systems with Observers
- Design of Control Systems with Obervers
- Quadratic Optimal Regulator Systems