Course Description
This course gives an overview of fundamental methods in computer vision from a computational perspective. Methods studied include: camera systems and their modeling; computation of 3-D geometry from binocular stereo, motion, and photometric stereo; and object recognition. Edge detection and color perception are covered as well. Elements of machine vision and biological vision are also included.This course gives an overview of fundamental methods in computer vision from a computational perspective. Methods studied include: camera systems and their modeling; computation of 3-D geometry from binocular stereo, motion, and photometric stereo; and object recognition. Edge detection and color perception are covered as well. Elements of machine vision and biological vision are also included.
- Image Processing
- Image Filtering
- Image Smoothing
- Image Enhancement
- Edge Detection
- Line Detection
- Feature, Matching and Tracking
- Feature Detection
- Feature Descriptors
- Feature Matching
- Feature Tracking and Optical Flow
- Multiple View Geometry and 3D Reconstruction
- 2D Transformations
- Two-View Geometry
- Affine Strucuture from Motion
- Segmentation
- K-means and EM
- Spectral clustering and graph cuts
- Color Segmentation
- Texture Segmentation
- Recognition
- Nearest neighbors, support vector machines, bag of words
- Eigenfaces
- Image classification
- Object detection
The class does not have a required book. The reading material includes the slides posted in this website as well as your class notes.
For complementary reading, you may read the following online book.
- R. Szeliski, Computer Vision, Springer 2011
Course Materials
Most of the slides used in class are based on slides from Prof. Hager's 2012 version of the course. Slides on corner detection are based on Prof. Steve Seitz's course. The copyright of the slides belongs to the respective authors.
- Homeworks (40%): There will homeworks every other week (approximately). Homework problems will include both
analytical exercises as well as programming assignments in MATLAB.
- Exams (40%): There will be two in-class exams, one on October 29 and the other on December 3rd.
- Project (20%): There will be a final project to be done in teams of two students.
Each team will write a 6-page report and give a 10 minute presentation (including 3 minutes for questions) on the scheduled
exam day (mid December).
- Late policy:
- Homeworks and projects are due on the specified dates.
- No late homeworks or projects will be accepted.
- Honor policy:
The strength of the university depends on academic and personal
integrity. In this course, you must be honest and truthful. Ethical
violations include cheating on exams, plagiarism, reuse of
assignments, improper use of the Internet and electronic devices,
unauthorized collaboration, alteration of graded assignments, forgery
and falsification, lying, facilitating academic dishonesty, and unfair
- Homeworks and exams are strictly individual
- Projects can be done in teams of two students
Computer Vision Resources