BME 580.222 Signal, Systems and Control - Spring 2007
Instructor: Rene Vidal, E-mail:

Office Hours: Fridays 3-4 p.m. 302B Clark Hall

TA1: Yan Qi, E-mail:

Office Hours: Mondays, 10 a.m. - 12 noon 213 Clark Hall

TA2: Donavan Cheng, E-mail:

Office Hours: Tuesdays, 10 a.m. - 12 noon 213 Clark Hall

Schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays, 8:30-10:00 a.m. Shaffer 3

Course Description
This is a beginning course in control of linear, time-invariant, single-input, single-output (SISO) systems.
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations.
Lecture No. Date Topic Notes
1 03/19/2007 Laplace Transform -
2 03/21/2007 Inverse Laplace Transform -
3 03/26/2007 Transfer functions, poles and zeros, stability of SISO LTI systems -
4 03/28/2007 Characteristics of the response of first and second order systems Homework 1
5 04/02/2007 Characteristics of the response of first and second order systems -
6 04/04/2007 PID Control: Proportional Feedback Homework 2
7 04/09/2007 PID Control: Integral and Differential Feedback -
8 04/11/2007 MIDTERM Homework 3
9 04/16/2007 PID Control: Ziegler-Nichols Rules, stability of closed-loop linear systems -
10 04/18/2007 Input/output and state space representations Homework 4
11 04/23/2007 Controllability, controller design by pole placement -
12 04/25/2007 Observability, observer design and state estimation (Kalman filter) Homework 5
13 05/03/2007 - Homework 6
14 05/10/2007 FINAL -
Textbooks and Software

I. Textbooks

  1. Feedback Control of Dynamical Systems (5th Edition), G. Franklin, J.D. Powell, A. Emami-Naeini, Prentice Hall, 2006.

II. Software

  1. MATLAB with Control Systems Toolbox
Grading Policy
  1. Homeworks (30%) : Due every Wednesday at the beginning of the class
  2. Midterm (30%) : Wednesday April 11th (8:30-10 a.m.)
  3. Final (40%) : Thursday May 10th (2-5 p.m.)